Application and Different Types of Commercial Concrete Works

The type of concrete work you need for your construction depends on the project at hand. The demands that come along with the type of concrete used in a commercial project are different from the ones in residential projects. They may differ in terms of stability and vigor. For example, the type of concrete that is used in restaurants is not the same as the one in a warehouse.

This article contains a variety of concrete works that are suitable for commercial concrete work.

1.     Normal Concrete in Concrete Construction

Also known as Normal Weight or Normal Strength concrete this is the most famous type of concrete works in the industry. It possesses fair strength that makes it suitable in constructing walls, buildings, and skyscrapers. In the preparation process, regular cement is mixed with water and aggregates. Examples of aggregates used in the process are sand and stones.

Later the mixture is allowed to settle for at least more than one and a half hours. The duration depends on the mixing and elements found in the cement used. One thing that makes this concrete very common in both formwork and concrete construction is its innumerable applications. However, the only flaw it has is that it’s very difficult to decorate. It is also not suitable in an area where the weather is severe.

Application and Different Types of Commercial Concrete Works

2.     High-strength Concrete for Concrete Construction

Second, on the list is the high-strength concrete. This type of concrete is perfect in commercial areas where heavier loads are expected. Unlike in the preparation process in Normal Concrete, here the ratio of water to cement is lower.  The aggregate used is of a higher quality and also some admixtures are added to make the concrete mixture even stronger. Get more useful information about concreting services on

For the mixture to come out perfectly to has to settle for a longer time than the Normal Concrete. This type of concrete work is majorly applied in formwork or concrete constructions like bridges, foundations, and shears. It is advantageous in terms of durability and stability.   The only shortcoming that it has is that it requires mastery to achieve a perfect concrete mix.

3.     The High-Performance Concrete in Concrete Construction

High-performance concrete has many characteristics like the ones found in high-strength concrete. This type of concrete work is highly applicable in the formwork construction of large pillars, warehouses, and facades.

The difference in this type of concrete, when compared to the high-strengthened one, is that in terms of sturdiness, this one is way stronger. In terms of durability, high-performance concrete lasts longer than high-strengthened concrete. Just the same way high-strength concrete needs a professional in the mixing process so does the high-performance formwork contractors sydney. 


The list cannot be complete with the mention of the newest type of concrete work in formwork and concrete construction. Air-entrained Concrete is the most recent; however, it is applicable for special uses. This is because unlike the other concrete works above, this one is less durable and less sturdy. This is because of the admixtures element that is included in the mixture that makes traps the air inside the concrete. You need to know the type of concrete work that suits your project. This will be very beneficial in crucial things like the safety of the people around and the maintenance cost.

Analyzing the Efficacy of a Suspended Concrete Slab in Formwork and Concrete Construction

It gives a sense of relief and comfort to know that your house is constructed on a solid base. Analyzing the base of the building that you are working on is crucial. The analysis must be done before the concrete is poured. Analyzing it after the concrete is poured makes it difficult for one to tell or see any deformities or issues within the formwork or the concrete structure. Failure to do this may result in unnoticed defects finding their way into the structure. At this point, the damage will already be done and it will be too late or very expensive to undo it.

This article is for any surveyor’s inspector that needs tips to guide him or she analyzes the efficacy of a suspended concrete slab. Below are the secrets that you need from formwork brisbane. 

Step One: Check for the Support at Maximum Moment

This is normally done according to the engineer’s plan. While at it, always check the shape of the bending moment. Remember to do more than just checking for adherence from the blueprint or the drawing.

It is important as an analyst to know where more support is needed. Find out if the maximum support of the suspended slab positioned corresponds to the highest tilting moment. Always aim for something better than the minimum standard.

Step Two: Identify Where the Supports are Located

Make sure that the supports are exactly where the layout engineer thinks they are. They should be correspondent to the blueprint or the drawings. There are a lot of concrete constructions where its builders used limited supports than how the engineer had earlier anticipated. To identify where the supports are located you should;

  • Check if the support that from the columns are in line with the blueprint
  • See whether the load-bearing walls are constructed on the suspended slab’s underside
  • Check whether the suspended concrete slabs are joined to the wall or not

Analyzing the Efficacy of a Suspended Concrete Slab in Formwork and Concrete Construction

Step Three: Confirm Whether the Concrete Strength Used is the Correct One

This step is very crucial because not all concrete constructions and formwork use the same concrete strength. The drawing or the blueprint should clearly state what kind of concrete strength is to be used on the project. On also inquire from the builder on the type of concrete strength to be used. Concrete strength depending on the structure has a lot of importance. For example, high-performance concrete has enough strength to withstand a lot of weight. Click here to checkout more about concrete strength.

This means that the concrete’s strength will determine the durability, serviceability, and porosity of the surface.

Step Four: See Which Supporting Layers are positioned first and last

Ensure that the builder has positioned the steel correctly. Steel support that is closer to the tension face is usually the most effective one. If a mistake is found, then more steel can be placed before the concreting process by formwork companies brisbane. Use the drawing or blueprint and make sure that the steel is placed correctly

Step Five: Suspended Concrete Cover in Concrete Construction

Before the concrete is poured always make sure that the correct cover is usually used. Check whether the suspended slab support is properly positioned in the slab. In a situation where the whole thing is too close on the surface, the steel might end up corroding and disappoint.

In situations where tapes are used, you can always pull them off to confirm the upper and bottom cover.